Vase of Dandelions

A vase of dandelions. Who has a vase of dandelions? They speckle the yards. Reminding grown ups its time to cut the grass. The gardener pulls them out, hoping to separate it’s roots from the earth, Never to sprout again. Who has a vase of dandelions? Mother does. The fluffy golden yellow buds brighten the … More Vase of Dandelions

Casket in the Snow

Frigid winter winds blew over the deep footsteps in the snow. Crunching ice is heard as feet compact the snow under the weight of the wood box. Only four colors can be seen. Black coats standing in the white landscape, embracing red roses against their chests, while a dark Mahogany casket is the heart of … More Casket in the Snow

Two Sentence Story

Find creativity here: Two Sentence Story Challenge Results LyzPetro: She took a small bite of the strangely smelling food on her fork and smiled politely. The different colored people surrounding her watched intently for her reaction. Thank you C.S. Wilde for a fun writing contest!